Forecourt Communications
Timely and seamless connectivity from the Forecourt between Dispensers, automatic tank gauges, Outdoor Payment Terminals to the Point of Sale and Back Office is critical to any Service Station operator. Postec have a solution for all Service Station communications.
POSTEC — Download
The Postec Communications Controller (PCC) is a technology platform from which control systems for the oil industry can be created.
FOCUS — Download
FOCUS is the latest forecourt control, forecourt
management, and configuration software suite
available from Postec, for Back office and Point of Sale deployments. FOCUS software communicates with the Postec Communications Controller (PCC) to provide a complete wetstock management solution at a site level.
FOCUS uses an SQL client/server database for
storage of configuration and historical data. One
central database can be accessed by multiple clients simultaneously, thereby allowing reporting and management functions to be performed from any PC.
FOCUS also provides an extensive interface to allow third-party POS applications to receive wetstock transaction data. This allows a company to quickly develop a complete dry stock/wet stock POS solution for any petroleum market.
FORESIGHT — Download
A powerful software solution to address the full range of network site management requirements. Foresight is the next generation in fuel distribution network management.
Based on a comprehensive framework of Microsoft Windows tools that provide remote forecourt wetstock data collection, reporting and analysis, this consumer-friendly solution leverages the versatility of the Postec Communications Controller (PCC).
Foresight’s scalable and modular architecture
makes it equally effective managing both large retail fuel networks and single commercial sites where unattended site control is required. (un-manned truck stops, mining, marine and airfield sites)
4DET — Download
4DET The Postec Forecourt Data Entry Terminal (4DET) is an outdoor terminal specifically designed for use in fuel marketing operations in both retail and commercial (including unmanned) sites. The 4DET is a "thin client" terminal consisting of a cluster of peripherals wrapped in a layer of intelligence to facilitate forecourt LAN.
FasTrack AVI (Automatic Vehicle Identification) - Download
The Fastrack AVI system provides a tight bond between the vehicle, the flow of fuel, and the account, which puts you in control of your fuel. For fleet owners who use retail or homebase sites to fuel their vehicles, AVI will ensure every drop of fuel is placed in an authorized vehicle. Fleets will receive more accurate tracking reports and invoices, automatically. Both of these lead to significant cost savings for the fleet and allow them to focus on their core business.